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        • Position  > Industry information
        • Industry information
        How can welded pipe machine correctly maintain? Stainless st
        Time:2018-06-05 01:57:46
        How can stainless steel welded pipe machine correctly maintain recently, with stainless steel tube being widely used, stainless steel tube machine has been paid more attention to. It can be said that in work also plays an important role, so in daily work must be properly maintained, then can improve working efficiency well, So how to maintain correctly in use? 1, well oil surface inspection to make stainless steel tube machine can achieve a good efficiency, then in daily work, need to check oil position frequently; So you can look at oil surfaces generally if you find oil levels below specified values then you need to supplement them promptly. 2, and enter clean oil filter also needs timely inspection, if found that it is blocked by dirt, then need to change timely, generally, crude oil filter 3 months need cleaning once. It is also necessary to remind everyone that oil cannot be mixed into impurities while fueling tanks and filters must be carried out. Finally, special attention should be paid to whether to start stainless steel tubes in winter or cold areas cannot be done directly at once, but instead stop and repeat several times. Only if hydraulic pump operates flexibly can work only.
        Foshan ST Machinery Technology Co., Ltd
        Jimmy Liang:+86 13726340168 (whatsapp & wechat )
        Foshan City Nanhai District, New Industrial Park Road Industrial Park
        No. 17004625, Guangdong ICP
        Email: ed108jimmy@hotmail.com
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